July 5th, 2019

Dear Person Who Needs To Hear This,

It is going to be okay. I know sometimes it doesn’t seem like it, maybe especially not right now, maybe not ever, but it will. I promise. I know it sounds cliche as fuck, but believe in it. It helps to believe. I know it hurts sometimes; I do. I also know that you are stronger than the pain. And I’m not saying that you have to be stronger than the pain; I’m saying you already are. Whether you believe or not.

What happened to you does not make you weak. What happened to you does not mean you are damaged. What happened to you was a shitty instance of which you were a part of.

You are still you. You are god damn beautiful. Inside and out. Mostly on the outside though, because I don’t really like the blood and guts all that much, thanks, but still. You are beautiful by every definition of the word, and you are not alone.

You will never be alone.

Yes, sometimes, physically, in close proximity, you may be alone, but open your ears, your eyes, your whole body and you will know that you could never be alone. The earth loves you. I love you. And I know there are other people out there like me.

I believe we all are both good and bad, and that there is good and bad in every single thing. Different levels? Yes, maybe so, but who are we to judge?

Forgive me, I get sidetracked.

You are here for a reason. You will get through this. It takes time to feel better. Even a little bit. It’s okay for you to take that time. We will understand. We already do. We just want you to be you and also what is best for you.

I’m so sorry.

I am so fucking sorry that that happened to you. I am truly and deeply so sincerely sorry. I would take it all away from you: the pain, the memories, the trauma, the emptiness behind your eyes sometimes. I would give you every piece of me if it helped build you up higher.

I am here, though. I am here if you need a friend to talk to, to walk beside, to hold through the night. I will be there when you need me most. If I am not, you do not need me, and you will see that in time.

You are brilliant.

You amaze me with all the little things that you do. The sound of your voice, the whisper of your presence behind me when I am not looking. I hear you on the radio, I see you in all the films. You are there. You are shining so bright. Again- You are so fucking beautiful.

I don’t know how to say all the things I want to say. But none of us do. I just need you to know that I hope you let it go. I hope that you let the love grow. I hope that you let it show one day that you didn’t let this take you all the way to the finish line and that you got to see some of this worldly beauty first.

I can’t tell you that the other side might not be better. I mean, shit. We have war, hunger, pain, heartbreak, evil. But there is a lot of beauty here, too. I know you see it. Enjoy it. Enjoy it while you can, please. Live in today. Live in the now. Breathe in the good and out the bad. See the light in the darkest of times, and I promise you that it will be worth it. There will be more beautiful things that you have never seen tomorrow. And the day after that, and the day after that. Look to the skies, my love. Look to the seas, listen to the breeze. Help us make this planet a better, healthier environment for all of life. Help us bring back the other populations we have killed off. Help us plant the trees and remove/transform the debris in the sea to create life instead of destroy it in massive amounts. Help us pull away from using bad things such as gas, plastic, single-use containers, oil spills, pipelines that clog the pores of the earth. Help us move towards electricity as our energy source and help us to make that electricity to be powered in such a way that it benefits the planet instead of hurting it.

Just please, don’t give up being that beautiful human being soul pod thing. And please don’t waste your time thinking too much about the toxic past or scary future. Know that you got this, that someone out there has your back, and let’s live this life together, okay? Let’s just keep right on goin’ and let’s make it better. Alright?

I love you, friend. Forever and always.

July 3rd, 2019

I can’t help but to almost wish for an uprising tomorrow. A revolution, an uproar, people demanding a change, something… I have thought about it for years. The end of the days as we know it. The bible predicts it, other religious readings predict it, people have yelled about it for centuries. I think it’s going to be different than we expect, though; this- apocalypse, or revelations, or whatever. I think the world is going to finally be done with money and learn to start thinking about more important things like actually living decent, happy lives. Such a strange concept, I know, but I believe it will happen.

We are living in a world where children are either being tortured alive or they’re killing themselves or killing each other. We live in a world where we all wake up every day, go to things we call jobs which take us away from our actual jobs, such as being mothers and fathers, or being there for our elderly and sick. We are too concerned with building borders and having the coolest technology or most oil to make the most money. UGH…. Money…..

……We literally live in a world in which we wake up every day to say that it is okay to let our fellow life be unsheltered, unfed and furthermore wiped off the face of the planet. And that’s not even counting the massive amounts of pollution and harmful waste we accumulate by the second, harming all of our lives, including ourself.

Anyways, I thought I’d start a blog and see where it goes.


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